Monday, May 31, 2010

Personal Quote: 05/31/2010

Time is like a dandelion fluff, once you blow it, you can never get it back! ---D. Sherow, Jr.

Today my tears of love and my heart of empathy go out to the Family of Jon Conway, his twin Jaclyn Conway and brother Shane Conway. To my dear friend Jon, you will be eternally missed..."God teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom;" for no man is promised tomorrow...Jon, I love you dude! Wish it had never ended this way or this soon.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010


"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3: 1

As the season changes from Winter into Spring and now slowly into Summer, I see the brilliance of God revealing Himself in the Earth! The trees have started to give way to fresh green leaves, flowers are pushing forth new buds, the grass begins to poke its way out of the earth and the chirping of birds grows ever so crisp to my ears. This is creation showing forth the glory of the Father; this is the magnificence of our Lords beauty; the awesome display to his sovereignty.  As I observed this display of God's handiwork, I realized that my natural life and spiritual relationship with God go through seasons of change.

The natural always reflects the spiritual and just as the seasons naturally change, they spiritually change as well. I believe that one of the most interesting things about change is how the natural seasons that we encounter are symbolic of the spiritual seasons that God matures us in. We go through our Springs of change where there is new growth and an abundance of rain to nurture our spiritual development; our Summers of change, where we show off our glow from our moments of meditation and being in the presence of God; our Falls of change, where our leaves are stripped away, the cold winds blow on our deepest pains, and we experience shorter days and longer nights; our Winters of change, where we experience brisk, bone chilling temperatures, snow fall ,and the dormancy and hibernation that force us to be still enough to hear the voice of our God in the coldest moments of our lives.

The importance of these seasons are for us to learn how to connect to God's time-table and to flow with the seasons of live that he is bringing us through; whether it be the shedding of our incongruities during Fall, the cold damp cloudy moment during Winter, the revitalization during Spring or the revelation of his glory during Summer. All these seasons greatly work to become the episodes of live that bring us into the fullness of the knowledge of God!     ---D. Sherow, Jr.

Personal Quote: 5/21/2010

Your ability to speak life and move forward in God's direction, even though you may be ensnared in darkness and surrounded by fear, can become a testimony of your faith in God's ability to do the impossible; however, God is more than able to do the impossible, whether you decide to activate your ability or not.----D. Sherow, Jr.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Personal Quote: 5/19/2010

Transforming the minds and hearts of mankind requires THE WORD with power and a transparent approach to true discipleship.---D. Sherow, Jr

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Purposeful Pondering

Am I laying down because I have no fight in me
Or is my brilliance losing its vibrancy?
Whatever happened to the fight in me?
The one that demanded purity and a life lived righteously---
I need an enlightening.
The moments are short and I'm filled with despondency,
Lost in the trappings that I submit to mindlessly---
Whatever happened to the kinder me, gentle, yet focused tirelessly,
Never allowing depression and weakness to tower over me;
Never relinquishing my power
And now in the hour of my most needed strength,
I cower---asking God where is my faith in Him?
How did I lose it and stray so far from Him?
Where did I go that I started to not see him clearly
Or hear His voice anymore?
Why is it so hard to even desire to relinquish those things that I once abhorred?
Is my asking in vain?
Does my Father really feel the pain
---that I feel?
Does he see my hurt masked in pride and self-worth,
all while killing my body w/ the poisons that consume the dirt?

I don't know where I am, but I know that I don't want to be here
or give up on the dreams that sear my heart like a razor that can not be removed---I'm losing my tread and my pace is lagging, my soul and spirit are calling for redemption but my actions are so far extended---
What is it that has kept me in this deficit, so needy and missing,
fragmented w/ plenty indention's?---hurt so much until I struggle w/ connecting to the LOVE of my heart---

Where are you first LOVE; You elusive Spirit of wonder and endless salvation?
Where have you gone?
Or have I just wandered so far from you until I don't remember my way back home?
I'm broken and wounded, lost and bruised, neglected and misused;
so perforated and torn, rejection and displaced;
caught wearing so many mask that I don't know which one is my true face.

Where are the pastors who said they would pray,
The elders who said they would lay---hands on,
The parents who promised to guide,
The siblings with whom I could confide,
The friends who said they would ride,
The spouses who vowed love for life,
The children whose innocence knew no crime---and where are YOU?

At the time when I feel the weakest, are you there?
Are you still interested in the number of my hairs,
The length of my days,
or the exit to my life's maze?
Am I still fearfully and wonderfully MADE---
In your image even when I break your commandments
And allow fear to make me timid?
What's my sin limit?
Has my grace run out or do I have a minute?
All I know is that I don't want to imagine life without you,
Breathing w/o your Spirit,
Seeing without your vision,
Or being hidden from the place where I was first commissioned.

The cry of my heart wants you close again, so I'm going to return to the closest place, I know----
I'm seeking your hand until I see your face;

I'm yearning to hold your hand of provision;
I'm hoping that you will reach for me and you listen.

Please, hear my cry oh Father,
And give ear to the pondering heart of your Prodigal Son;
And "My mouth will show forth Your praise" and
"I will teach transgressors Your ways,
And sinners shall be converted to You."

Redeem me, that my PURPOSE may be
secure in YOU.
---D. Sherow, Jr.

Personal Quote: 05/16/2010

Sight can not be lost, if the vision of those who see remains without subversion.