Wednesday, April 7, 2010


“Our days are numbered. One of the primary goals in our lives should be to prepare for our last day. The legacy we leave is not just in our possessions, but in the quality of our lives. What preparations should we be making now? The greatest waste in all of our earth, which cannot be recycled or reclaimed, is our waste of the time that God has given us each day.”---Billy Graham

When I woke up this morning I stood over my children and watched them as they slept and began to admire their lives, their existence and was astonished by the beauty of their humanity. Even though I've understood the principles of inheritance and legacy for years, it was at that moment that I became even more cognizant of the fact that not only are they my legacy from God, but that I also possess a legacy that must be responsibly and righteously instilled, imparted, and revealed to them. This led me to start really evaluating the legacy I will leave to not only my children, but the world.

In its legal sense, Legacy is the "giving of gifts in the form of property or money; something handed down from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past; something acquired without compensation (Unabridged Cambridge Dictionary)." However, Legacy is so much more than the handing down of possessions, the continuance of monetary status, affluence or social benevolence; for those who inherit a Legacy will never have a need for money because the prominence of Legacy will embody and activate passion, potential and most importantly PURPOSE.

In conjunction to its legal meaning, the definition of Legacy holds true spiritually. Throughout history and scriptural depictions of historical occurrences, we have far too many times seen the heritage of iniquity, the transferal of sin nature or the affects of generational curses. We have heard sermons and speeches on inheritances lost and forfeited, blundered and wasted, misused and spent and yet we have not truly taken into consideration that legacy and inheritance serve eternal purpose and not just historical reference. We have not given credence to what our legacy will be or shall become, because we have been so ensnared by the iniquities of our forefathers (that inheritance of unrighteousness which is inherent in us all since the fall of man-kind).

Much of who we are has been tied up in what we have been willed. Our faults, our misjudged decisions, our fears, even our drive and ambition (fueled by fears of failure or historical repetitiveness) and stumbling blocks have all come from what we've received from observation, assimilation, or mere propensity or proclivity to the nature of our ancestry. Make no mistake, no excuse can be given for the sins that we commit to out of our own volition; however, we must understand the root of our inherent nature so that the Legacy we leave will be one that exhibits that of our esteemed spiritual placement, instead of our down-trodden natural displacement.

Naturally, we view ourselves as leaving a proprietary legacy, which includes: money, land, prominence, high societal status, and a name that is laudable and mentioned among the 'who's who' of history books. But what about the intangible things that we pass up (instead of down) that are of significance (those spiritually imputations that so often go unnoticed or unspoken)?

Have we taken the time to view and implement God's pattern and blue-print for success, significance and legacy, more so, then the familiar and often encompassing ideologies of the world's systems?

Have we found out the true meaning of inheritance and made covenant w/ God to establish His right way of doing things, expelling the patterns that we have inherited and then effortlessly setting up these God-given principles so that they become the pillars of our community, our families, and our relationships?

These are just a few things we as spirit beings should consider as we exist in this chronologically driven plane of humanity...Make your Legacy one of substantial significance...Only you and God know the path for you.

---D. Sherow, Jr.


mylyfe said...

Words of wisdom, we do have a great responsibility to our children(legacy). To whom much is given... much is required.

Unknown said...

this is definately words to live by I'm personally glad that one of my teamates has gone on to do great things and work to inspire others. Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep doin your thing brotha God Bless you!!!!!!!!!!

Jon said...

I am very glad you created this blog. We as men need to use our wisdom and experience to help guide our sons, nephews and friends to a rich and fulfilling life. Kudos Don!

Joseph Speight said...

I believe your words and thoughts mirror what God is speaking to us as men in this season. Time out for playing or not stepping "to the plate." We have too much at stake and I just want to be faithful to God's will. I appreciate you Don for allowing God to use you and I am blessed by what you have shared.

Candi_Gyrl_724 said...

Wow Don. This blog was so inspirational! I think this will make everyone think, not just men but women as well. So many young men do not have strong male figures in their lives to help guide them, become strong men and to become a positive figure in their kid's lives (if they have any) or just make themselves feel proud. I commend you and your organization for helping these young men to not only realize what a Legacy is but to help them create one of their own.

ReferEEE said...

You on ya game man! Nice article

Unknown said...

Leaving a legacy is an obligation and one of life’s privileges. Living on purpose is the only way to really live. Anything else is just existing. Great article!!!

AESmith said...

Thanks for sharing. This is indeed a word from God. I look forward to reading what He gives you in the future. Continue to stay focused on Him and His plan for your life as you impact the world for the Kingdom.

Anonymous said...

Can we all be part of the same Legacy and not understand it? Reading your blog, you inform readers about being in tune to their own Legacy, but maybe their is a Legacy for a group of people. Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Frederick Douglass all had Legacies after they died. Do you think that they were positioned or informed by God to follow a certain path and establish their legacy? We as men have to inform everyone of the Legacy that we are taught by the Bible. Until we teach ourselves about the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth how can we speak of a Legacy that we know nothing of?

Unknown said...

That was nice, D. Deep. You make some profound points. Now my question is: How can you tell when you are leaving the right legacy? When we don't look at the measurable gains (like money, or social status) with which we affirm and applaud ourselves, how do we know when we're really leaving the legacy we should; when we're really doing enough of the right things to make the difference?

Damien K. H. Nash said...

Don! What power words of wisdom... Over the last year, I have also been thinking about this same subject of leagcy/inheritance and what do they really mean.

Proverbs 13:22 says, "A good man leaves an inheriance for his children's children..." As we look at our current culture and the effect the the economy had on it the last 2 1/2 years, one question comes to mind are we content yet? We consume worthless products that we throw away and store up our mammon(money), to one day be taken away and given back to the righteous; as Proverbs 13:22 concludes. We have no sense of history and leaving anything for anybody. Our Meism culture has created selfish monsters who will now murder you over a pair of stylish shoes.

The American late Will Rogers said, "Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like." Which is so very true. Who are we trying to impress? How much is enough? I was guilty of all these things until I learned some fundamental tools that would shape my way of thinking from a right now want to a long-term need.

I truly believe the first priority is to leave a good knowledge of the word of God to our children which is worth more than all the riches in the world. Second, we should examine the gifts/abilities that God has given us and also pass them down to our sons and daughters. The same way Joseph taught Jesus the trade of carpentry. While doing these things you should continue to: spend less than you earn, give to God (tithe/ offerings) and Ceasar (pay taxes) what is theirs, save and invest (in yourself: schooling/business/marketplace),pay debts and pay your bills.

The topic of finances is mention more than 2300 times in the bible. If you are not a good steward over the wealth that has been entrusted to you, you are not leaving an good leagacy for anyone especially your children.
- Damien K. H. Nash, Author of "How to Load Your Truck" "Big Box,Little Box"

Unknown said...

These are words of covenant and posterity. They drive us to reconsider how we are filling in the dash between our birth date and our demise, saying to us: "You are more than that. You go on in the hearts and minds of your children and the proponents of your causes, way past the decades of fad, fame or failure. Your name and works will be remembered for good or ill. Choose good." Thank you, son, for giving me encouragement by seeing what you are doing to create a legacy.

Much Love,

Don C. Sherow, Sr.

Maya said...

This is wonderful. I hope this inspires men to step up not just to their own, but to others who don't have that Positive male person!!! Can't wait to read whats next!

Stephanie said...

Don, while many comment on the males role in the significance of leaving a "legacy" and while that is ideal (kudos to those who I speak of)-we all play a vital role in what is perceived as the foundation for future success spiritually speaking...We are indeed the mirror and i make many mental notes on what i do/say etc. because i am the model. I say this to acknowledge my faults, imperfections some that cant be reversed. Life is full of lessons, disappointments, elation, etc., but that is wht builds strength and our children must understand that we must often fail in order to truly prosper. So i say all that to say this. Love God 1st and God will allow you to have a self-love/value that will transcend to your children and the cycle will continue...Understanding that often times we must close our eyes (to pride, greed, vanity, etc.) in order to allow God to allow us to truly see(our purpose/gifts) and only at that point we will began our true "Legacy"!

Unknown said...

I am very impressed with the depth of your thoughts and how articulate you are with your presentation. I agree with everyones comments so far, but I will add that in order to create a legacy for the future, your must implement your own in the present. If you aren't completely comfortable with your vision and goals, then you will never completely delve into the resources you have that you can potentially share with others. Keep the thoughts flowing. I am already a fan.

E said...

I truly enjoyed reading this blog. Things mentioned hit home in reference to thoughts I've had or in knowing others and how they feel. (Especially with me raising a young boy) These words are truly words of wisdom and also are encouraging. I will pass this on to others. Great job!!

Sheneka said...

Wow! I love this blog. I read it twice because it inspires me to want more for me and my kids. You definitely have a way with words to inspire others.

Don C. Sherow, Jr. said...

Thanks to all who have previewed and read our first posting on Legacy. For those who left comments, they were an inspiration for us. There will be many more entries, so please stay connected...

peacenjoyangels said...

A man is not a man unless he is providing for a home. That can be helping at his mother's home by mowing the lawn or taking care of his own family. The black community is full of people who profess to follow Jesus but do not take the lead of his father Joseph. What if Joseph had done to Jesus what so many black fathers do? What if he had argued the legitimacy of the child? What if he had refused to validate Mary? What if he counted every dime he was ordered to give to Mary, like black men do, afraid they are giving anything to the mother? What if he was sleeping with yet another woman and creating another child even though he was not married to the mother of the first one? When men act in sinful ways towards honest women, the whole community suffers. The role of a woman is important, but because a man is the leader and head of the woman, he is also head of the community and must accept his responsibility in it. Many black men are too selfish, too angry, to lustful to look after the legacy of their children or even fight to secure their own long term goals. All they can do is talk and try to lure a woman into bed. Black women must avoid men who are fake Christians, whether they be ministers or paupers. It is best to not have sex before marriage to insure that a predator does not ruin you and the legacy for your children because he is irresponsible, angry, downlow, selfish, or anything else, regardless of what he pretends his relationship with God is.